Ofsted Reports

We appreciate that when viewing our Preschool or website you only get a brief glimpse into your child's day.
Ofsted is the UK’s official “Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills”. As such, they inspect services providing education and skills and regulate services that care for children and young people. This covers all childcare settings, nurseries and pre-schools throughout the UK, including Foulds Preschool.
Ofsted's report is a thorough and comprehensive inspection into our care, procedures, the quality of education we are offering, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, behind-the-scenes policies and safe practice.
Ofsted has inspected our Preschool, and has rated the care and education we offer the children as 'outstanding'.
We are very proud that we graded outstanding in all areas in our most recent inspection and will continue to maintain the highest standards in childcare and education, giving priority to the development, individual needs and happiness of the children and their families.